I am considering having my dog
groomer cut my hair. Look, you can judge
me, but I can’t go for months on end without cutting my hair. This look doesn’t just happen!!

Apparently Pet Smart is
considered an “essential business” and hair salons are not, so why wouldn’t it
work? What could possibly go wrong? In
the interest of my image, I didn’t feel like it was something that I needed to do
without researching it a bit, so I went to the most reliable source for this
type of thing….the internet.
I mean, these guys are cutting
sharp and clean lines, under difficult conditions (right). (I am admittedly a bit squirmy.)
I might not go for the full Brazilian (left) but a simple bowl cut might be good, and
Then I hit on this….
Competition Dog Grooming. Who knew?!?
I mean these guys are dog groomers on acid. I am not sure I want an elephant on my ass, I
have enough problems back there already,
Pet Smart here I come! “Could I
please get a Hunger-games scale buffant with a nice Disneyland Cinderella’s
castle coming out the top??” “$35 dollars? Of course. Is cash ok?”
Problem solved.
Mountain Pig out.
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