I love that song “This Ain’t My Mama’s Broken Heart” by
Miranda Lambert. https://youtu.be/7yg05svXp98
It was written by an LGBTQ songwriter, and those of us “in
the know” could recognize it immediately with the opening line “I cut my bangs with some rusty kitchen scissors. I screamed his name till the neighbors called
the cops.” Wow, that screams queen.
It is spectacular! I encourage all of us
in house-arrest to watch the video. It is where I finally appreciated Lambert.
A woman asked me one time, “Well, how would you know you
were going crazy if there wasn’t anyone there to tell you?!?”. She said this in
an alarmed voice, and I was thinking that it might be comforting to just be
living in your own world every now and then.
“…go and hide yo crazy and start
actin like a lady..”
My Granny had a ‘tich’ of dementia (that is what we call it
in the South) and she would tell me about the woman and little girl all dressed
up in their Sunday dresses that would come on Sunday afternoons and sit
underneath the flowering plum, but when she would go down the hill to take them
cookies they always seemed to have left already. My Granny was always smiling when she told me
this story. I often said that we were
way more upset with my Granny’s ‘tich’ of dementia than she seemed to be. She was her happy self.

Lykov's mother starved herself to death to provide more food for the children.
…… I need to make a trip to “the grocery”. “I numbed the pain at the expense of my liver. Don't know
what I did next all I know, I couldn't stop”.
Mountain Pig out.
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