The other morning, after firing up my laptop and staring at
the same gray blob on my login page for a year, you know the one,
I decided to put a “Sue and Les
Selfie” in the little sign-on circle on my laptop instead of the upside down
“U” with a “head”.
This felt like an
amazing accomplishment. It got me wondering during this forced “honey-do” time
what other accomplishments I was failing to acknowledge. So I decided I needed a list of them, so that
when it came time for “Corono-cation Performance Evaluation (CPE)” I could
properly revise my resume. In addition, as with all PEs I need to classify these by contribution levels ie., significant, moderate or minor. So here we go:
- Realized that one did not need to take a bath once a day, but once a week was good (data on this one is still being collected and analyzed). Yes I do consider that an accomplishment, it could change my life. Potentially, Significant.,
- Organized and cleaned out the area underneath the sinks and vanity (actually Sue was the lead on this but since we are a team, everyone knows that in 360 evaluations this counts). I now have shampoo and conditioner in single servings for about four weeks. Minor.

- Planted cucumbers, lettuce, peas (only things that will grow in the cold). Potentially Significant. This is actually an upcoming accomplishment but everyone knows that when you revise your resume you list your “in review” accomplishments, planning to accomplish by the time CPE actually happens.
- Went through the “cookbook area” because it had become “an area” with bits of recipes and papers, etc. and cleaned it out (also a team accomplishment, but that led to other things – see below). Minor.
- Cooked a bunch of stuff that I had forgotten I had recipes to, like Soba Noodles with Chicken and Peanut Sauce. Moderate.

- Took the Chiweenie for a walk – shocked the neighborhood (that was a twofer). Significant for the Chiweenie. Moderate for me. Minor for the neighborhood.

- Restarted my Blog. Significant for the entire world, obviously.
- Had tenure approved (that felt like giving birth so I include it here). Significant.
- Set up account to start new stock investments, because stock are so low that you need a spatula to scrape them off the investment pavement (also a team success). Potentially Significant.
- Decided to call my Dad 2-3 times a week and to email him once a day. Significant. I mean, what a poor child I have been. Phone calls are free. Emails are free. Why would you not talk with the person who has enabled your entire life several times a week.? Call your parents.
- Went through today and calculated the extent of our toilet paper holdings, and how long we can hold out with our current supply (Results will be conveyed on Monday). Significant.
I know that this list will grow. I would already, under self evaluation, give myself a Top 10% for Corona-cation survival. Hey! I hear you guys! Haters gonna hate. If you wanna run with the big dogs the you better pick up your Corona-cation game. We got a long way to go here.
Mountain Pig...out.
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