Duct tape has always been around, since the dawn of time - like fire, like the wheel. But it took man a bit to learn how to USE duct tape.

It takes a certain type of person to survive on a RAAM Crew. To survive RAAM you gotta have a duct tape kind of attitude. When things begin to crater, no time to whip out the welder or the soldering gun. No time to wait for the drying of the glue, just pull that "duct tape" attitude out of the hoister and fire away. When you get finished, it is never pretty, but it is working, functional. Some people hate duct tape. They think it is messy, it is ugly, it is cheap looking. It might be all of those things, but those who have a duct tape attitude will be sitting on the East Coast enjoying a scotch when others are trying to stitch, glue and solder their way across West Virginia.
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