The concept people and governments have that they can somehow control nature always gives me pause. I think it is the whole thing about how man is destroying earth. Let me say this about that. The concept that man can destroy earth means that man is somehow more powerful than the earth itself. The audacity of that opinion is caused by not just a little self inflation by man likely driven by a false sense of importance bouyed most likely by our religion. Man's dominion over the earth and all its creatures and all that bunk. The reality is the earth is an amazingly resilient and powerful force. You will be born, live and die in what, to the earth is the blink of an eye, and the earth and its creatures will still be here. Man will go extinct. It is the way of nature. Species go extinct and they go extinct for so many reasons. The Earth will always be here. If you pollute the earth, your water, your air you are poking yourself in the eye. The Earth could care less. In the blink of an eye, man will be gone and the Earth will sweep up and go on. So all this crying for Mother Earth is a bit overdone in my opinion. Cry for yourselves. Now that is time much better spent.
I sit tonight about 40 km east of the eye of hurricane Hermine. Awesome. Gusting winds. Sheets of rain. Thunder. The power of nature is amazing. Sounds to me like the Earth can take care of itself tonight.
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