Friday, April 24, 2020

CORONA-CATION DAY 41: And you thought he was just your 'run-of-the-mill' idiot

 CORONA-CATION DAY 41: And you thought he was just your “run of the mill” idiot.

I have tried desperately to stay away from politics in this blog, not just in this blog, but every day.  However, it has become so absurd that I just can’t help myself.  I will shout out here to a friend of Sue’s, Joel, who recognized Trump’s genius (I can no longer bear to call him The President) following his most recent Daily Press Fiasco (DPF, scientists love acronyms).  In the DPF he called for us to use UV light to kill the COVID virus, 
hoping not so secretly that Nancy Pelosi would be similarly affected by said UV, and he gave a little bonus by suggesting that we might take a page from the drug dealers handbook of torture and inject ourselves with cleaning solution to “cleanse our bodies” of said virus.  The later has religious overtones.   Joel recognized Trump’s genius immediately, noting that he is really pulling from the Star Trek Handbook on Infestation Control.

In the Star Trek original series episode Operation – Annihilate! The planet Denevan are under attack by a neural parasite which attaches itself to victims and causes them through intense pain to do their bidding.  Kinda like what must happen to a Trump Pandemic Task Force medical member to force them to stand, as a professional and witness the idiocy of “hey I’m just saying I got talent so I have these ideas….” every day. 

Short of it was that Spock (the Fauci of the Starship Enterprise) was infected and suffered immense pain, which he of course could control using his Vulcan mind.  They used UV light on Spock to drive the parasite from his body, but it blinded him (this eventually all got sorted out, the dangers of employing a cure without proper testing).

Fauci-Spock endures this type of pain every day, you can see it on his face.  Unlike Spock he does not have an inner eyelid to save him from being blinded if we were to use UV light to “kill the parasite”.  So the parasite just drones on and on, every day. Until, like on Denevan, the pain becomes too much and Fauci-Spock goes on Fox and Friends and does the parasite’s bidding.  Sad.

We could, as has been suggested by the parasite, inject cleaning solution in our veins to “cleanse us from this virus”.  Wow, let’s unpack that.  I actually searched this out because I thought “surely they have taken this out of context”. Nope, they did not.  He actually said this with a straight face.  My suggestion might be for Trump to make a show of faith and offer to be the first person to test this cure. Maybe he could try Kool-Aid.  It has been done before.
I don’t even know what to say about this, except that I do think Trump IS treating this like a reality TV show, and we are too stupid to just turn it off, preferring as so many people do to watch the absurdity and continue to allow him the ratings that he will use to drum up votes in November.   As for me, I am just going to not watch such a ridiculous farce.  Just turn it off. 

Mountain Pig….Out.

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