Friday, March 20, 2020


NOTE:  I can't believe that i have not posted on this blog for three years!  I should be stripped of my medals.  This Coronavirus things is the perfect opportunity to start again.  Here goes!

I have not had a bath in five days, but I have been in the hot tub.  Basically the same thing. I have had 327 zoom meetings.  There is an exponential increase in ZOOM meetings as people discover that they can have a “meeting” no matter how they look or how underprepared they are, because it feels like you are talking to your friends in Australia.

Winter is Here.  To add to the sense of isolation we have now been buried in snow.  I expect the White Walkers to come over the ridge at any moment.  I probably have a ZOOM meeting invitation from them in my inbox.

Me at the end of this thing.

The Pig has threatened to harm himself three times, but instead goes into his bedroom (which now doubles as a ZOOM HIVE) and passes out until he wakes up and begins to forage for food again.

My wife has jammed her toe, which means that she can not go snow shoeing.  This is creating a growing sense of entrapment and anxiety in her.  Look for my body in the snow bank by my truck. 

Mountain Pig out.

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