Wednesday, March 25, 2020

CORONA-CATION DAY 10: Black Market Necessities

The Quicky Mart down the street has a Purell Dispenser set up at each gas pump, dispensing the golden corona-fighting elixir like it was water.  

I don’t even buy my own Purell but just swing through the pumps and top off my hand-sized bottle. I am not ashamed.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.   In reality, the price of a barrel of oil is ~ $22 dollars and the price of a barrel of Purell is about $20,000 dollars (seriously! At $50 a bottle?! Yes.), so you do the math.  That traunch of Purell sitting there is worth about $200.   So yes, someone will rip off the Quicky Mart’s hand sanitizing stations if they have not already.  People will just throw em in their cars and drive off.  All these vodka distillers have committed to stop making vodka (all the martini drinkers just fainted) and start making hand sanitizer out of the goodness of their heart?!?  Nope that would be because it is worth way more money to make hand sanitizer than vodka.  Tito ain’t no fool.

I am actually still amazed that the public restrooms have toilet paper in them, and hand sanitizer for that matter.  I think theft of TP from public bathrooms is the next low people are gonna stoop to.   People are already peeling their two ply apart in to one ply, using twice as much and calling it a day. 

One ply toilet paper, otherwise known as tracing paper to the geologist.

Mountain Pig out. 

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