Wednesday, June 15, 2011

RAAM - The Topographic Profile of America

RAAM is officially underway.  Our Crew Mate Kevin headed off on his pre-ride with his partner.  They are team Texas Flyboys and their race finishes in Durango, Colorado, probably on Friday and then he will fly down to Arizona with his wife and he will go with us BACK up to Durango and finish with the team in Annapolis, MD.  Animal.
The ocean is great, but it is cold and overcast, lookin' perfect compared to 105.   I was down at the start to RAAM and there was this team from German and they were talking in a animated fashion to a couple from Ohio who were here on vacation I think.  The couple had stumbled into this bizarre scene of cyclists, crews, people from all over the world who where doing something, but the couple could not figure out what was going on – an international convention of some type.  Anyway, there guys were so friendly with this couple and the man said “where are you from” and it was apparent that Rolf, Gunter and his buddy were German.  Anyway, these guys had rolled out on the pavement about a 20 foot by 12 inch roll of paper that showed the profile of America, all the sections of the race laid end to end.  I gotta tell you the Appalachian Mountains look minute compared to the mighty Rockies, and basically  it is downhill all the way from Trinidad Colorado to Ohio – really.  I found it fascinating.  I am a geologist, but I don’t think that I have ever seen the Profile of America quite laid out that way.  The Rocky Mountains are impressive, the Sierras are impressive.  The east coast looks --- old and worn down.  I'm sure it will look more impressive when we get there.

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