Now this other woman, Michelle Bachmann, has come along from Minnesota no less, who is definitely pushing all the liberal buttons she can find. I mean is there something about the long dark winters that is breeding the type of woman who we are seeing in Palin and Bachmann, these huntin', fishin', deer guttin', scarey sort of supremicist types ? All lipsticked up and lookin' ready to take on the entire money spending establishment. Is it too much time in the evening to watch reality TV and Facebook? Is it marketing gone wild for the benefit of the all might buck.
It's like these people are trying to take over the image of the southern, kkk-lovin' good ol' boy, who drives a swamp stomper pickup and tells the entire world to just "kiss my red neck ass". Is the North the new South? Have we in the South so failed in our mission to look stupid and say stupid things that this role must be taken over by the matriarchs of the North? Maybe global warming will tone things down.
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