Why do people stop asking questions? Or maybe they just stop asking them “out loud”? I am reading this book called “A More
Beautiful Question”. It is really
interesting the change in the number of questions that we ask as we age. Apparently by the time we are in our teens,
we stop asking questions all together.
Until we get married, but that is an entirely other issue.
I think we stop asking questions, because we become too concerned with looking wrong. This is definitely a “learned” behavior. We are conditioned to think that being wrong
is ….well bad. The problem with this “wrong=bad”
thinking is that it causes us to stop asking questions. This makes us intellectual boring, always
trying to show people that we are right or smart or just pensive by remaining
quiet and aloof. Stupid.
Successful people ask a LOT of questions. They might not have the answers to all the questions,
but answers are only a small piece of the equation. The equation is composed mostly of knowns and
only a few key points that need answers.
The real excitement comes in "what is the question the equation is trying to answer?".
Questions are the product of a creative mind and we do not
make enough effort to teach people how to be creative.
Creativity is where the true advances in civilization are made. Even Einstein, who probably had more answers than most people had questions, knew the value of the right question.